Skills You Need For Android App Development - Queppelin

Developing an app needs lots of efforts and deep insights to match with the current trends, users’ requirements, client’s requirements, etc. But what are the skills that you need for the best android app development practice? Apart from technical knowledge, you must possess a set of interpersonal skills as well.

The hard skills: what you should know

The first thing that you must know for android app development is the related technical skills. You can develop an android app on Window PC, Linux, as well as Mac computer. Here are some must-know technologies you should know about:


This programming language is the fundamental building block of android application development. If you want to be a good android app developer you must have to be an expert of Java concepts such as the use of variables, control structures, list, loop, etc.  Learning its ins and outs will help you to strengthen your knowledge and help you to stand out in the market. You can even do more than android app development.


To organize the database in your android mobile application you must need to learn the basics of SQL. SQL or structured query language is a way through which you can pull data from the databases by writing queries. Once you become an expert in SQL, there will not be a single question that you cannot ask about the data. 


XML is a markup language that describes data. The basic knowledge of XML syntax is highly helpful in your journey to become a full-fledged Android developer. It will be helpful in UI (User interface) layouts designing, parsing data feeds, and many more. Android Studio is an alternative to XML but it is always better to use XML as it easy.

Android Studio and Android Software Development Kit (SDK)

The good thing about Android mobile application development is that the necessary tools are available at free of cost. The Android Studio, as well as Android SDK, are available for free online. Android Studio is the main program which is used by the developers to write code. It is also used by them to assemble their apps from various packages and libraries. The Android SDK has software libraries, handy coding tools, sample code, and much more that will help you test, build, and debug Android applications.

Soft Kills: That Boost Your Hard Skills

Your soft or interpersonal skills are as important as hard skills. So, you have to sharpen it as much as you need to sharpen your technical skills.

Mobile App Development is not a piece of Pie. To become an expert you need practice. The main advantage of Android is that it is open source, hence users can use public libraries and frameworks available online on sites like GitHub. For a developer, collaboration is a crucial skill that they need to acquire. You need to collaborate with marketers, designers, upper management, etc. Last but not least, a developer, either Android or iOS, needs to keep learning throughout life.

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