How Augmented Reality App Development Is Addressing The Skills Gap

Augmented Reality is propelling digital transformation initiatives. The technology can unlock the potential benefits and use cases in designing, service, and operations. The innovative technology can be effectively used as a groundbreaking tool for training and revamping the skills and thus solves the skills gap issue.

Well, the technology assures that the forthcoming talent pool can be capable of fulfilling the open roles still they must invest in their current workforce. This would be a major investment for the organizations but would be significantly beneficial to them as well.

Though the expenditure doesn’t lead to a significant change in ROI or business cases, there would be some side effects if it is ignored. It is concluded that 60% skills gap in the local market and 36% in the global market is responsible for a significant barrier in technology adoption.

AR is proving itself useful in the talent war. AR is being used to attract the next generation of the workforce. It is not limited to being used as a recruitment tool only. Organizations are also using it for training and learning services.

Augmented Reality has tangible success for the enterprise & worker 

Augmented reality is bringing a significant ROI in employee training. The ROI can be attained with the combination of these factors:

· Increased focus on training and development of employees (new as well as existing) lowers the turnover rate.

·AR training requires less physical prototypes and thus saves overhead costs.

·It makes people move away from paper manuals, PowerPoint presentations and classroom sessions that were not immersive and effective.

With the right implementation of AR, organizations can improve retention of knowledge in new employees. The best feature of AR is that it can be easily updated and customized for information delivery. Regular day-to-day work can be contextualized and aligning work related training to more specific jobs becomes easy with AR.

Recently Microsoft introduced augmented reality to the training grounds for the US army and helped them to train the soldiers in more realistic situations to prepare them for the real battle. Likewise, Boeing has shown the positive impact of AR training through which it has trained their trainees to assemble the aircraft wing components in no time and at a significant success rate.

Employees either new or existing have cited that training and learning opportunity is the major criteria for them to decide where they work. Yet many organizations still have trouble in proving the ROI of training programs. These organizations have also accepted that the skill gap is preventing them from adopting the latest innovative technologies. In such cases, AR is the perfect solution as the adoption and value recognized keeps on increasing exponentially.

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  1. Augmented reality itself is amazing enough. But ever imagine what could happen when it is combined with artificial intelligence?
    Virtual Reality


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