Future Of Native React In Mobile Application Development

React Native is a JavaScript framework which is used to make an IOS and Android Mobile Application Development easier and it is a very lucrative framework.

 It uses the same ultimate user interface building blocks as the regular iOS and Android apps, but you assemble the building blocks using React and JavaScript. The fact that React Native actually renders using its host platform’s standard rendering APIs enables it to stand out from most existing methods of cross-platform application development, like Cordova or Ionic. The Github repository data revealed that 1002 contributors have committed 7,971 times in 45 branches with 124 releases. In addition, it is also the 14th most starred repository on Github.

Developers at Facebook and Instagram are already using React Native for their app development. Mobile App Development Company focuses more on the usability of React Native and its usefulness. Moreover, according to Google Trends, in 2016 for the first time in the past years, search terms for React Native exceeded Android and iOS development. Thus, React Native has become an exciting topic in addition to being a popular framework.

Few reasons Why React Native will flourish in the Future.

Cross Platform Compatibility
Most of the React Native APIs are cross platform compatible, which means that your single component will work both on iOS and Android. You can develop complete, full wafted applications that look, run and feel native – without writing a single line of platform specific code.

Shorter Development Cycles
React Native makes the process of developing mobile apps much quicker. Using Redux – the state management tool; has also facilitated in reducing development times drastically.

Live Updates and CodePush
Developers can push the updates to the users’ cell phone without having to go through the app store update cycle. This has been made possible due to the extensive use of Javascript.

Native functionality
The user interface developed with React Native consists of native widgets that perform impeccably. React Native along with JavaScript runs the most intricate of apps smoothly, outperforming even the real native apps, without WebView. Therefore, building apps with React Native is a viable solution for developing robust apps.

Better Development Environment
Developers are having a superior time developing on the React Native environment. Hot reloading refreshes the UI instantly when any changes are made to the file. Removing the mundane re-build and deploy from the iteration cycle makes for pleasant development experience.

Queppelin has extensive experience in mobile website development and software development. Email us at enquiry@queppelintech.com


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