What Are the Challenges in Augmented Reality Mobile App Development?

The augmented reality app is making a great impact in the market and has rapidly grasped a significant place. Almost, every business is spending a significant amount on Augmented Reality App Development. AR apps are becoming one of the important aspects of doing business. As it has capabilities to create an immersive and personalized experience based on the user’s surrounding, it is highly capable of alluring and engaging users.

Needless to say that, demands of Augmented Reality Mobile App Development Services are high in the market. Though there are so many AR apps that are available in the market still there are several challenges associated with its.

Here are some of them

·  Insufficient Hardware support

AR is all about the superimposition of quality visual data over the real world. But mobile phones have different capabilities and many of them capture 2d images that are not suitable for the creation of immersive 3D environment.

Another issue is related to the accuracy of GPS data. It needs high accuracy that renders issues in apps.

Also, the optimization of hardware may lead to bigger and bulky hardware components. However, smart glasses have made a great revolution in this by providing slim and sleek hardware for AR apps. Still, the industry needs more advancement in terms of Hardware.

· Software challenges

Other than Hardware limited capabilities, developers have to confront with software issues as well. Most of the SDK kit such as ARcore and ARkit has been introduced recently. However, they seem most promising and claim to provide the most promising environment for AR app development. Still, there is an ambiguity with the of deal use of software for a winning solution.

· Legal issues

Legal issues associated with the use of AR application with its increasing popularity are becoming more complex. With the emergence of GDPR, privacy and security concern related to AR is becoming the center of discussions. Copyrights and ownership rights are the most important question in AR apps. Who will be the owner of the images imposed on physical world with AR app? It would be a matter of conflict in future. Till now, there are no regulations and standards that have been governed for AR mobile app development.

Besides of all challenges; deep understanding of requirement, strong knowledge of technology and languages, and creative minds can bring an effective result in augmented reality App development.

If you are looking for an Augmented Reality Mobile App Development Company, you are just at the right place. Contact us at  or visit our website: https://www.queppelin.com

For Software Development Requirements :- Email: enquiry@queppelintech.com


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