How Augmented Reality Is Transforming the Traditional Training Modules

Earlier we used to train our members with traditional based teaching techniques with the help of webinar, live presentations with outdated data, and we used to make changes to the presentation manually. But in the current world where Pokémon Go became famous because of its augmented reality features by Nintendo Gaming Company; it’s become practical for people to see things more realistically and logically with that game in the market.

However, we are still using traditional presentations to teach our employees their work and students in the classrooms. Enterprises spend a substantial amount of time, energy and money on training employees. Yet they struggle to ensure that the learnings stay when employees of their company retire or leave the organization. AR systems can bring revolution and change this reality. With machine learning and Artificial Intelligence built into future systems, every employee can benefit from the learnings of a colleague. That way, skilled employee learnings, and insights can be retained.
Maximum Productivity in Working Environment
Given that most of the industries are afflicted by shortage of workforce issues and aging, enterprises need solutions that can make the most of their existing teams, without compromising on efficiency and optimism. AR has the potential to unsettle the status quo and maximize productivity in any production department.
For instance, See-What-I-See (SWIS) glasses can help the experts in an organization manage a crisis or oversee a challenging situation from a central location. The AR glasses enable remote access from any locations, it helps professionals ‘see’ the ground realities. In other words, domain experts can now transfer their respective skills across time and space, without having to leave their office.
Augmented Reality Aids Pragmatic Learning
There’s no denying the power of pragmatic learning. Studies have proved that we have a better understanding and retention of things we see or experience rather than what we are made to read or hear. The idea is to make learning an immersive and pleasing experience. It becomes easier for corporates when they don’t have to depend on the next generation of their software.
The AR Kit from Apple, for instance, turns your phone or iPad into powerful AR training tools. Augmented reality is a new way to use technology that transforms how you work, learn, and connect with almost everything around you. And this is just the beginning. A product from apple IKEA Place lets you imagine how products will look, feel and fit in your home, without ever having to open your front door. With AR Kit, GE is beginning to use augmented reality in a variety of ways, like enabling service workers to visualize industrial equipment and repair it with greater efficiency.
Virtual Presence for Potential Workers
See-What-I-See (SWIS) glasses will give the most skilled workers near supremacy. No organization has a workforce with just as distributed skills and experience. When out-of-the-ordinary problems occur in the field, all-too-often a second team needs to be dispatched immediately without knowing whether other teams will be able to do it or not, costing the company both time and money. Rather than rolling a second van with more senior technicians when an unaware problem is discovered, top talent can now work from a central location and accurately see what the field service professionals are seeing from their augmented glasses.
A construction crane operator, for example, can remotely operate cranes at construction sites around the world. The most experienced workers will be available to transfer their skills across time and space — without ever leaving their desks. They can train naive workers remotely using the augmented reality by updating the information through SWIS glasses.
Artificial intelligence systems can actually pick up and adapt by watching what today’s workers are doing right to make the augmented systems smarter and safer in terms of security. Training systems can be transformed into developing tools for increasing productivity and safety.
AR Crucial Role
AR technology has been commonly used by the military and airline industry for decades. Its affordability — with players like Microsoft, Google, Facebook, etc. is aiding in jumping onto the lobby — and the exciting range of uses in business.
For instance, AR technology can help with the additional related information and operating procedures to train skilled employees to perform intricate operations on the turf and help them for the job instantly. It not only has the capacity to increase productivity and provide hands-on experience, but also to simplify current processes and enhance group effort.
AR is already making its way into our smartphones and other gaming devices like Play Station. To gain a competitive edge in this era, enterprises need to start questioning the ways in which they are training the employees for tomorrow.
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