7 Ways You Are Making Android App Development Complex

Android is more popular among developers and mobile users and still in the process of evolution. Android mobile apps are playing a crucial role in the business as well. Here are some points that you must avoid from making Android development complex and saving yourself from getting stuck in a complicated and extensive project:

Improper basic knowledge of the language

Without a stronger base of the language needed to develop an android app, you cannot come up with a robust app.

Basically, Android is an OS or platform that itself is a collection of languages. To deal with the complexities that may come without proper basic knowledge of languages you must have a proper hold on the following languages:
  • JAVA the most important language for Android application development
  •  XML for UI components
  •  SQLite for data storage
  • ANT and Gradle for compiling
  • HTTP for connectivity and data storage
  • HTML and HTML5
  • CSS & CSS3

Apart from these, you must be aware of how to install Eclipse and know IDE and JDK terms.

     Not using proper themes for android app development

To manage style in your apps you must know how to use themes. You don’t need to define height and width for every layout with coding; rather you can use appropriate themes. Use of themes would be much easier and effective.

     Little or no knowledge about tools

If you don’t have extensive knowledge of necessary tools like LayOutOpt or you don’t know how you can make your work effective with various tools, then somehow you are lagging with the knowledge and of course, this will hurt your application development skills. You must grasp the detail of these tools that will make the application development process easy and simple.

Don’t know how to use forums and resources

It’s true that skills are required for android application development but its extent will depend on the nature of the projects. The important factor is what matters most. It is not necessary that the developers should be expert in every field but they must know where to find the necessary information that would be required during development. That’s why they must know to use Google.
Use of forums will be very helpful. Android Subreddit and StackOverFlow are some of the most widely used Android communities. Apart from these, Youtube and tutorial content can also be a great helping hand to understand the use of tools, IDEs and new technologies in the respective field.   

Developers should not only be aware of what these forums are but also understand how to use them. For instance, StackOverFlow is a platform where they can understand about errors and troubleshooting. In fact, they can directly connect with the team via hangouts.
So the key is to be social on these forums which help them to stay updated with new development in the niche.

      Seeking for rapid app development without testing and caution

The standard time required for a simple and run of the mill android mobile app development is almost two months. However, there are few rapid application tools and frameworks that are available that may claim to facilitate rapid iteration, easy drag and drop feature, and minimal coding required for app development. But, you must be careful while completely trusting these. And if you are going with these tools without prior testing you may eventually end up with problems. Many of them provide limited and basic functionalities only.

       Innovation is not everything

In the open source android world, your creativity, thinking capability, and innovation will surely be helpful in creating something new and attractive. But, if you are new in this niche, you must understand as to what will click and what would not otherwise your talent will go nowhere. You must blend your talent with the best practices and innovation. 

If you ignore your end users

Don’t forget the people for whom you are developing the apps. Developers must listen to users and should understand their requirement. They should add functionalities what users want instead what they think is right.

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